
About Us


Life isn’t always easy. You’re bound to face trials and struggles. Sometimes life gets the best of us. You have your ups and downs, strengths and weaknesses, good days and bad days, victories and failures.

But it’s ok. Life is a constant journey. The good news is, you are made for so much more. You are created to be a saint!

Yes! You are made for Heaven.

Saints are the sinners who failed, but got back up and kept trying and striving for holiness.

We want you to get there by providing you with what you need to help you grow in your Catholic faith.

We want to help you learn the Catholic faith so you can understand it, embrace it, love it, and live it!


Apparel and gear for the journey

We want our Catholic apparel and gear to serve as an inspiration to you and those around you to live your faith, to grow in holiness, and to strive to be living saints on earth.

As part of the Communion of Saints, you are a living sign of God’s kingdom here and now. Where you are present, God’s mercy and love is visible through you, giving hope to everyone you come in contact with.

When you are living in communion with the Divine life, then you are living a full and abundant life – the way that God intended for you to live. We are naturally going to be happiest when we are living the life that God intended for us.

So come and join us on an adventure of a lifetime! A journey towards heaven…


Our Team

Mike Romano




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